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Disadvantages of AI in Digital Marketing

AI in digital marketing

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What is AI?

Every industry is talking about AI these days. But first we need to understand, what is AI. AI refers to computers or machines that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence, such as language comprehension and object recognition. AI uses various technologies that enable computers to learn and make decisions on their own without human input. This can be really useful for all sorts of things, from helping doctors diagnose diseases more accurately to making self-driving cars safer. But, some people worry about AI becoming too powerful or making decisions that could harm people. And its actually true. AI will slowly start harming people. More than 80% of industry experts integrate some form of AI technology into their online marketing activities. AI in Digital Marketing can be beneficial but at the same time can be harmful for marketers.

How can AI harm people?

AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on. If the data is biased or incomplete, the AI system will be too. This can lead to unfair or discriminatory decisions, especially in areas like hiring or lending. As AI systems become more advanced, there is a risk that they will automate jobs previously done by humans, leading to job displacement and economic disruption. AI systems often require access to personal data in order to function, which can raise concerns about privacy and data protection.

How can it affect Digital Marketers?


Marketers from various backgrounds, including freelancers, in-house teams, and agencies, share a common concern about search engine optimization (SEO). This concern is widely shared among the surveyed marketers that implementing effective SEO strategies requires a significant investment of time and effort.

AI will do SEO optimization based on a set of rules and strategies and I don’t think that any company have cracked their SEO game just by following some pre-defined rules.

Incorrect Information

In digital marketing or I should say in marketing, we have to provide correct information. And AI can’t be always trusted for correct information. It will provide what’s have been feed to/into the system.

Example – ChatGPT collected data till 2021 and can provide information till that date.

Untill and unless, we hire someone who can validate the data and then provide the information to the customers, it will be disastrous.


When it comes to digital marketing, relying too much on AI technology can have negative effects such as decreased collaboration and creativity among marketers. This may result in marketers or agencies surrendering significant parts of their job to technology, ultimately leading to a decline in their skills and abilities over time.

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Gathering information from AI chatbots? Sounds fun right? Well, its good but just think it in this way.
There are 1000+ digital marketing agencies and thousands of content writers, strategists and analysts. What if all follow the same strategy, blogs, tips and articles from ChatGPT? Will there be any differentiation? Absolutely not. When you repeat the same prompts hundreds or thousands of times, the content quickly becomes monotonous and stale. The same information have been present in a repetitive and uninteresting manner results in boredom.

So should we stop using AI in digital marketing?

Undoubtedly, AI has numerous advantages. However, there are also risks and drawbacks associated with its use in digital marketing due to several uncertainties.

According to a survey, the primary concerns regarding AI are related to content quality, particularly regarding Google’s warnings about AI-generated content. However, Google’s recent announcement of Bard suggests that its stance on AI-generated content may change over time, potentially impacting these concerns.

In addition to worries about Google penalties, there is apprehension that AI-generated content may decrease the quality of human-generated content by producing content that is too similar to that of other websites.

The positive news is that AI technology is not designed to replace content marketers and writers. It cannot replace the human touch. Instead, the purpose of AI technology in marketing is to assist and complement humans where possible.

Final Thoughts

To manage the drawbacks of AI technology, start by identifying the most significant risks for your organization and focus on limiting them to two or three key areas. Consider how you plan to use AI in your digital marketing strategy, such as generating blog topics or creating email content. Finally, develop a plan to mitigate potential issues, like reviewing and optimizing AI-generated email content. However, it can significantly reduce the time and effort required.

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