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How long will it take for SEO to start working?

Doing SEO for website is like going to gym for good physique. It will take at least 4-6 months show results. Results gets better over time

What are the important aspect to keep in mind while doing SEO?

Well, there are lot of things we need to take care of for SEO. Out of those, keyword research, on-page & off-page optimizations, mobile experience are the compulsory ones.

Social Media Marketing

Do I need to be on all the social media platforms?

This depends on your target audience. Quality is important that quantity. In this digital era, its good to have visibility of your brand in most trending social but not necessary. 

How can we effectively advertise on Instagram?

Instagram is an excellent tool and media platform to run ads and promote your business. We can target based on location, interests and age group

Content Marketing

Why is content marketing important ?

Customers love free information. And if your content is providing the information customer is looking for, he/she might spend more time checking the relevant products and services. This is just one advantage of content marketing.

Which tools we can use for content marketing?

There are many tools available in the market for content marketing. Hubspot, Afrefs and Yoast are few of the popular ones

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